Suzerain Legends is a wrapper setting; with a focus on several worlds but the potential to include whichever environment you want to take the players too (or bring baddies in from).
Characters in the game will be defending these realms from the elemental evil of the Tempest and have the potential to grow tremendously in power to do this. Superhero level. Demi-god level.
The campaign is doing well, with more than $7,000 pledged against a humble goal of just $2,500. You can see progress at the Kickstarter page.
Suzerain Legends uses the Savage Worlds system, which is why the first famous person endorsement of the setting comes from PEG’s Community Manager Ron Blessing.
If you want to take a peak, then the Core Primer and Rules is a Pay-What-You-Want download at DriveThruRPG, with a suggested price of $4.99.
As you can imagine, for a wrapper setting that will now deliver details on several campaign worlds, it’s going to be a big task. Legends will detail:
- The fantasy at war campaign world of Austeria.
- The cyberpunk setting of Gatherail.
- The epic high fantasy of Shaintar.
- The post-apocalypse supercharged environs of the Wilderlands.
- The deadly Dungeonlands.
- The muskets and magic setting of Entamed Empires.
- The ancient magic of the Fae Lands.
A pledge of $29 will get you the Suzerain Legends book in PDF, but you’ll need Save Worlds rules from somewhere else. If you also need to buy Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE) in PDF as well as the digital edition of Suzerain Legends, then that’ll take a $39 pledge.
There is an $89 early bird “Hero Starter Pack” with some spaces left which will get you those PDFs and the “20 Years of Suzerain mega bundle”.
At the minute, there are no physical copy tiers but nor have Savage Mojo disclosed any stretch goals.
The PDFs, at least, won’t be a terrible wait. I’m starting to see Kickstarters with 2022 estimated delivery dates, but Suzerain Legends is aiming for February 2021.
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