The Bundle of Holding has two sets of Tiny bundles. The first is Tiny Dungeon the popular streamlined dungeon-crawler fantasy RPG from Gallant Knight Games and the second is TinyD6 Worlds which expands the systems to include gods and pirates. As you do.
Tiny Dungeon bundle
A repeat of the 2019 bundle, previously covered by Geek Native, these dungeon PDFs are split into two tiers and can be found at the Bundle of Holding.
Tiny Dungeon Collection – $9.95
The second edition of Tiny Dungeon is in this tier which has a collective retail value of $7.
- Tiny Dungeon 2E
- Tiny Dungeon Player’s Guide
- Tiny Dungeon decks + screen
Tiny Universe Collection
The price of the Tiny Universe Collection changes through the offer, increasing if more people want it, decreasing otherwise. Right now it costs $19.95 and delivers $61 worth of extras.
- Tiny Wastelands
- Tiny Wastelands deck + screen
- Tiny Frontiers
- Mecha and Monsters
- Beach Patrol
TinyD6 Worlds
This is a brand new bundle which brings in the expanded Tiny range of undead, superheroes and gunslingers. You check the details out at this Bundle of Holding page.
Starter Collection – $7.95
Kicking off with Tiny Gods, the Starter Collection offers up $37 worth of Tiny goodies.
- Tiny Gods
- Destiny of Tides
- TinyZine Compendium 2018
Bonus Collection
As with the Tiny Universe collection before it, the Bonus Collection in this bundle has a variable price. The more people pay to chase it, the more expensive it gets. Right now it costs $18.57 and results in $46 worth of Tiny goodies delivered.
- Tiny Supers
- Tiny Gunslingers
- Tiny Pirates
- Tiny Living Dead
Both these bundles are valid for only a brief time, expiring in just 20 days.
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