#ComicSchool is a project by Gail Simone (Deadpool, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman, Red Sonja) to help people write comics.
Steffie de Vaan is an RPG designer and writer on Legendlore, Familiars of Terra and Vampire v5’s Fall of London, and is now Kickstarting a comic book with artist Crissie Brown.
The project is Water Woman – Into the Deep and here’s the pitch;
Her girlfriend tried to kill her, but the Bermuda Triangle had other ideas….
It’s a pledge of $10 for the ebook, and you can go much higher if you want wallpapers or even pictures taken with the production team.
Steffie and Crissie met at #ComicSchool. Steffie is full of praise for Crissie;
I’m so excited to work with Crissie. My writing is very ‘show, don’t tell’ and Crissie nails every single facial expression I ask for.”
Do you know those school projects where one person does all the work? That doesn’t seem to be the case here! Crissie adds;
It’s not her book, or mine. It’s ours. We both feel our characters and their story, so deeply. It’s a privilege to work with Steffie.”
The story starts off with a young artist called Niqui escaping the abuse she was receiving from her girlfriend Romain.
Steffie told Geek Native that it’s not just an origin story for a superhero, it’s also partially a story about leaving your abuser and getting your life back on track. Water makes a thoughtful focus for such a comic book story, being yielding and very strong at the same time.