Last month, Paizo Publishing announced two new playtest options for Starfinder RPG.
Pathfinder’s sci-fi sibling would be testing a new class called the Nanocyte, which made use of tiny nanites. On the other end of the size scale, they would also test new mech rules.
The official playtest started this week and will carry on until September 18th, 2020.
To take part, players should visit, and download the free Tech Revolution Playtest (PDF Link). Importantly, fans are encouraged to take part in the surveys for both of the new options for September 18th so the publisher can review feedback.
Players are encouraged to make characters and mechs at different levels and tiers so that a broad spectrum can be tested.
Players in the Starfinder Society can use nanocyte characters provided they’re level 1, 4 or 8.
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