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Supporting the Carl Brandon Society, a group that helps racial and ethnic diversity in speculative fiction, and earning some money for Pazio, the Pathfinder Beginner Box headlines the latest Humble bundle offer.
The deal went live last night, and the bundle is selling well, with Paizo using their newsletter to announce the offer. Already more than 1,000 people who’ve bought into the bundle, and that’s at least £3,000 raised for charity.
You’ve until Thursday 17th, thereabout, to join in.
Pay at least £4.44

The Beginner Boxes in this tier are digital only.
- Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box
- Starfinder Beginner Box
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne 1 of 3)
- Pathfinder One-Shot: Dinner at Lionlodge
- Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav Train Robbery
- Pathfinder Bounty: Witch’s Winter Holiday
- Starfinder Bounty: The Cantina Job
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hamlet
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Casino
Pay at least £13.34

The Beginner Boxes in this tier are digital only.
- Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary
- Starfinder Core Rulebook
- Starfinder Alien Archive
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Lost Mammoth Valley (Quest for the Frozen Flame 2 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Escape from the Prison Moon (Against the Aeon Throne 2 of 3)
- Pathfinder Adventure: Malevolence
- Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Malevolence
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-01: Year of Boundless Wonder
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Arcane Library
- Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection
- Starfinder Society Scenario 5-01: Year of Redemption’s Rise
- Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Moon
- Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box
- Starfinder Beginner Box
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne 1 of 3)
- Pathfinder One-Shot: Dinner at Lionlodge
- Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav Train Robbery
- Pathfinder Bounty: Witch’s Winter Holiday
- Starfinder Bounty: The Cantina Job
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hamlet
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Casino
Pay at least £22.23

The Beginner Boxes in this tier are digital only.
- Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide
- Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Handbook
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Burning Tundra (Quest for the Frozen Flame 3 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Rune Drive Gambit (Against the Aeon Throne 3 of 3)
- Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide NPC Pawn Collection
- Against the Aeon Throne Pawn Collection
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 2-19: Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-02: Return to the Grave
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Multi-Pack
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ghost Towns
- Starfinder Society Scenario 4-08: Precious Cargo
- Starfinder Society Scenario 4-12: A Festive Operation
- Pathfinder Map Pack: Starship Decks
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Undercity
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Ice World
- Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Docking Bay Expansion
- Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary
- Starfinder Core Rulebook
- Starfinder Alien Archive
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Lost Mammoth Valley (Quest for the Frozen Flame 2 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Escape from the Prison Moon (Against the Aeon Throne 2 of 3)
- Pathfinder Adventure: Malevolence
- Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Malevolence
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-01: Year of Boundless Wonder
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Arcane Library
- Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection
- Starfinder Society Scenario 5-01: Year of Redemption’s Rise
- Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Moon
- Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box
- Starfinder Beginner Box
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne 1 of 3)
- Pathfinder One-Shot: Dinner at Lionlodge
- Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav Train Robbery
- Pathfinder Bounty: Witch’s Winter Holiday
- Starfinder Bounty: The Cantina Job
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hamlet
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Casino
Pay at least £40.02

Not all the Beginner Boxes in this tier are digital only, so please research your likely shipping costs.
- Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box
- Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide
- Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Handbook
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Burning Tundra (Quest for the Frozen Flame 3 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Rune Drive Gambit (Against the Aeon Throne 3 of 3)
- Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide NPC Pawn Collection
- Against the Aeon Throne Pawn Collection
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 2-19: Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-02: Return to the Grave
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Multi-Pack
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ghost Towns
- Starfinder Society Scenario 4-08: Precious Cargo
- Starfinder Society Scenario 4-12: A Festive Operation
- Pathfinder Map Pack: Starship Decks
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Undercity
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Ice World
- Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Docking Bay Expansion
- Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary
- Starfinder Core Rulebook
- Starfinder Alien Archive
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Lost Mammoth Valley (Quest for the Frozen Flame 2 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: Escape from the Prison Moon (Against the Aeon Throne 2 of 3)
- Pathfinder Adventure: Malevolence
- Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Malevolence
- Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-01: Year of Boundless Wonder
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Arcane Library
- Pathfinder Pawns: Traps & Treasures Pawn Collection
- Starfinder Society Scenario 5-01: Year of Redemption’s Rise
- Starfinder Flip-Tiles: City Starter Set
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Moon
- Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box
- Starfinder Beginner Box
- Pathfinder Adventure Path: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)
- Starfinder Adventure Path: The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne 1 of 3)
- Pathfinder One-Shot: Dinner at Lionlodge
- Starfinder One-Shot: The Great Grav Train Robbery
- Pathfinder Bounty: Witch’s Winter Holiday
- Starfinder Bounty: The Cantina Job
- Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Hamlet
- Starfinder Flip-Mat: Casino
There are already impressive figures in the leaderboards with several payments over $50, and Jmarc1618 currently tops with $120 in support.