A blog post from Amanda Hamon announces her return to Kobold.
As Editorial Director, Amanda will be managing the company’s Kickstarters, looking after the Warlock Lair publications that come out each month and working out the schedule.
It’s a tough role, anything touching Kickstarter is full of stress, but Kobold Press will need enough projects to keep the coffers happy, but not so many that they overstretch.
Amanda, though, is an industry veteran with plenty of credits in the Pathfinder Wiki, although it’s likely Starfinder that she is better known for. Paizo’s sci-fi game was co-created by Amanda, who was also the Managing Developer for the line.
Kobold Press’ fans will likely recognise the name too. Amanda edited and developed Midgard Legends and then Deep Magic and Southlands. Both Deep Magic and Southlands went on to win ENnies.
Gamers on Kobold Press’ mailing list for these past weeks have been getting coupons for free Warlock Liar supplements and adventures as part of the company’s Safer at Home offering.
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