Gen Con Online is coming up and publishers are looking for people to run their games. Without volunteer Gamemasters, then attendees of the virtual convention won’t get to play games.
Arc Dream have rewards for gamers who help run their games. We’re talking about Godlike, Wild Talents, Better Angels, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Puppetland as well as Delta Green and their D&D Sword & Sorceries adventures.
Running just one game will get you $10 in credit at the Arc Dream store. Yeah, $10 isn’t enough to make running Gen Con games a profitable second job for anyone. It is never going to be, and I don’t imagine that’s what Arc Dream is trying to do. These are ‘thank you’ notes from the company.
Two games are worth $20 or a Club Apocalypse glass if they’re still in stock and you have a US shipping address. Make that $30 if you run three games.
If you’re confident enough to run four games, you get the 3 game reward plus you get to play in a game run by Delta Green’s Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Chris Gunning, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze, or John Scott Tynes.
If somehow, you can do even more and manage five games then in addition to everything that’s come before you get a March Technologies swag bag and that ships internationally.
There’s even a reward for six games.
However, all GMs must not only agree to Gen Con’s rules but also to Arc Dream’s. That means running a short scenario, getting their early and be able to send the company update on how the game went.
You can see Arc Dream’s requirements and that six-game reward in this blog post the company shared today.
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