The latest print edition of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything has different rules from the original printing.
Wizards of the Coast has made some corrections, and while these changes make the game better and more balanced, some gamers will dislike that their print version of Xanathar is now less correct than others.
The most significant change is to Healing Spirit. The number of times the spirit can heal as been capped.
The changes to the printed book have been released before a digital errata has been supplied to everyone.
Since the changes were noticed on April 1st, there was some debate as to whether a prank was afoot, but Jeremy Crawford has confirmed the update.
The PDF is likely to be published shortly and it’ll be easier to spot which changes have been made than trying to compare two different editions of the hardback.
Redditor /u/Shadowtrail1988 was the first to notice, sharing with the D&D community and taking some photographs as proof.
Let’s take a look.
Healing Spirit errata

Healing Spirit is now only able to heal a number of times equal to 1+ casting modifier before vanishing. The change down-powers the spell, but brings it in line with what the designers intended and stops PCs looping through the spell quickly for heals before it times out.
Arcane Archers errata

Magical ammunition has been dropped as a necessary requirement for Arcane Archers, which makes sense.
Mind Spike errata

Spirit Shield errata