CMON has grown into a pretty large company. One of the reasons it has been able to that is by staying close to its fans.
Fans who, the chances are, are stuck inside right now.
Fans who, the chances also are, wouldn’t be able to find a copy of the XenoShyft board game if they had spent the weeks before the lockdown looking for.

You can now download XenoShyft (PDF link) for free.
You’ll need a great printer and lots of coloured ink. You wouldn’t be like some foolish blogger who got himself trapped inside with a printer that doesn’t function any more.
Just how hard work will this be on your printer? Well, you’re printing out a whole board game. There are 56 pages to print out, and I think around 30 pages of those are game components. They make heavy use of full colour.
XenoShyft has an aliens feel to it. It’s a deck-building game and a resource management game at the same time, and the challenge is to get the balance right so you can withstand nine waves of, increasingly challenging, alien assault.
If you and your printer can handle it; you can download XenoShyft for free (PDF).