Designing and publishing RPG accessories and supplements about other cultures is a thorny subject. Last week we saw the Kickstarter for Adventures in Dugatai scrapped at launch.
Mana Project Studio, an Italian company, seems to have done better with this combo Norse Grimoire of rituals and magical signs and Journey to Ragnarok campaign setting. There are seven days left to back the project, t the time of writing, and of the €5,000 goal, €40,000+ has already been pledged. You can check out the incredible art and the current total at the campaign page.
A pledge of €12 (that’s about £11) will get you access to the pledge manager and bag you a copy of the Norse Grimoire in PDF. That’s expected in August.
Step up to €44 (£39), and you’ll get that, the Norse Grimoire in hardback and a d24 RuneDie.
Gotta say; those RuneDie look pretty!
For a little more, you drop the die and get the Norse Grimoire in PDF, the Journey to Ragnarok adventure and setting, The Grey Wander, Battles Beyond, The Rune Thief, Maps, Tokens and pregen characters in PDF instead.
You can see how this gets expensive. The top tier is €199.
So, what is it? Well, Norse Grimoire is a 5e supplement with a focus on Galdrastafir (Icelandic magical staves) and Elder Futhark (Runes of Knowledge).
That supplement is a follow up to the Journey to Ragnarok campaign setting, but it’s not exclusively tied to it. As you can see from the highlighted pledge goals, you can get both by backing the Kickstarter.
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