The 80s roleplaying game DC Heroes RPG has been in the news recently.
At the end of last year, the official and Alan Moore approved Watchmen RPG components enjoyed a reprint in the Watchmen Companion. That was an expansion of the DC Heroes RPG.
Now, DC Universe has announced a new show called DC Universe All Star Games. In it, Clare Grant, Vanessa Marshall, Sam Witwer, Xavier Woods and Freddie Prinze Jr will play the DC Heroes RPG.
DC Universe is calling this an unscripted gaming mini-series. We’d probably think of it as tabletop gaming streaming (though its unlikely to be live).
The show starts on Friday the 28th of February and the stars will be playing through a scenario called The Breakfast League as high schoolers, in the 80s, stuck on Saturday detention. It’s not the Watchmen.
In a press release, Freddie Prinze (who is an executive producer on the show) said;
DC Heroes was the first RPG I ever played as a kid. It was also my introduction to the DC Universe, its Heroes and, most importantly, its rich pool of villains.”
I had a blast making this series and I hope all of you love it as much as I do.”
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