Wikipedia has a lengthy article on M.R. James the British scholar who wrote horror stories at the turn of the 20th century.
The Design Mechanism is now working with the designer and author Paul StJohn Mackintosh as well as art director Sophia Conner to bring Casting the Runes to live via the supernatural power of a Kickstarter.
You can download a preview for free from DriveThruRPG or skip ahead to check out the campaign page.
The project is asking for nearly CA$16,000 to fund but with 28 days still on the clock, at the time of writing, there’s over CA$6,000 pledged. It’s looking good.
A pledge of CA$20 (about £12) will get you the pre-production copy and when it’s ready, the production PDF of the game too.
CA$40 adds the standard printing of the book and CA$85 (about £50) the deluxe edition.
However, the shipping costs to the UK that were pencilled in at launch are high. They may come down as alternative options are found, and demand gauged.
The Kickstarter might do itself a favour by making this clear, but you do not need GUMSHOE to play it. In fact, there’s no such thing as a GUMSHOE core book as each game published for it contains a modified version of the rules.
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