In September 2018 we had news of the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild (aka SWAG). It’s been months. What happened?
It’ll go live tomorrow; 22nd of Jan 2019.
The Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild is both an official marketplace and permission to write, sell and keep (some) of the money for Savage Worlds content.
Pinnacle Entertainment aren’t interested in stealing your good ideas. Creators will retain rights to their published works.
Creators will keep 60% of the gross sales and PEG take 10%. There’s a 30% gap there which is filled by OneBookShelf the company behind DriveThruRPG. That’s their cut for maintaining the marketplace and helping with the marketing.
If that 30% seems high it’s worth keeping in mind that few of these community content programs work without OBS’s backing. You can pop over to the community content programs page on DriveThruRPG to see just how many they currently support.
There are rules specific to SWAG that are important to understand before any new content is written. Those rules already live. However, the official logo won’t be unveiled until tomorrow.
What do you think? Share your thoughts below in the comment section below.