Are simple ideas the best? d20 Entertainment’s Kickstarter to put dice pips on pencils only wanted $1,000 from Kickstarter. There are still two weeks left on the clock and over $15,000 in the bank. For more details check out the campaign page.
There’s no video and not much of an introduction to this campaign. You either get it or you don’t. You could roll dice on the table or you can led the pencil roll and count the pips that come up on the top edge.
As the campaign is being successful a whole bunch of specialist pencil styles have already been unlocked. The Fudge variant with + and – signs comes online at the $18,000 mark. That seems very possible. If we get beyond £30,000 then we’ll get dice options with phrases like “North, Earth, Up, South” on the edges, or “Helpful, Friendly, Neutral, Suspicious” and other “magic dice” alternatives.
The “Pencil Dice Bag” is a thing too – yours for an add-on of $20.
For just $2 you’ll get a 1d6 pencil dice. $5 gets you 6, $10 for 12, $15 for 18, $20 for 25 and $25 will get you 36 pencil dice. It’s the $25 most gamers are going for but at least one backer has gone up high (but not the top) with a $750 pledge for 50000d6 in pencil. They’ll get the name of their convention printed on the pencil. Smart move.
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