Okay folks! You’ll have seen the news that Sony has finally announced they’ll be doing Android tablets.
Both devices are PlayStation certified, use mobile and wifi, run Android 3.0 and can even be used as a remote.
The S2, in particular, has my eye. It looks more travel friendly. It can also be used as a gaming console.
The S2 folds up and can fit in your inside pocket – like a phone. It runs Android – like a phone. You can use it to make phone calls – like a phone. Is it a phone? No. That would mean this would need to be Sony Ericsson device. These aren’t Sony Ericsson tech. These are Sony tech.
Lots of blogs are going deep into the hardware and OS specs of these two babes. There’s debate as to whether Android 3.0 will be dead on arrival. Let’s not do that. Let’s look at some shiny videos about these two instead. Yeah.
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