A short while back Geek Native interviewed Al Seeger of Point of Insanity Game Studio. Al had a tendency to work on the traditional RPG equivalent of cross-platform games. He’s been working on a systemless super hero adventure called Small Town Here. We’ve grabbed a preview!
Every hero needs to start somewhere.
Stonewell is just a small town populated by honest, hard working people. Not much happens here and that’s the way its citizen’s like it. But the winds of change are blowing and the quiet peace is about to come to an end. Super powered villains have appeared out of nowhere and are threatening the townsfolk. The police are ill equipped to fight this new menace. Fortunately Stonewell has a defender…you!
Small Town Hero is an upcoming super hero adventure written for use with any system. The finished product will include the main adventure, side encounters, and player and game master guides to aid in your explorations and provide ideas for future adventures in this small town setting.