Evil Genius Games, who are launching a Living Dead TTRPG, have opened up Sidekick to the world today.

Sidekick is to Evil Genius what D&D Beyond is to Wizards of the Coast. It’s a website where you can read the rulebooks you’ve bought and where the core rules are free. Evil Genius uses the Everyday Heroes system and has licenses for games like The Crow, Pacific Rim, Highlander and Kong: Skull Island.
You can create a Sidekick account for free and must do so to access the core rules or buy more. You can also subscribe and get extra freebies, extra monthly credit to buy exclusive content, a 20% discount on physical products, and access to a private community.
Unlike PDFs, Sidekick and D&D Beyond update the rules automatically without you needing to manage errata or download them again.
Evil Genius Games have already put two products on the roadmap and have said that an interactive character builder and an adventure builder are coming soon.
The company has faced criticisms over technology decisions, and some gamers are convinced an NFT or blockchain model is coming. However, the technology listed is mainstream, with S3, CloudFront, MongoDB, and JavaSscript used. AI is not used in creating their games, and data is not sold on. As I’ve noted, though there are ‘web3’ companies as investors.
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