We’re halfway through the first month of 2025 and ready for the next round-up of TTRPG news!

Here’s the summary of summaries;
- Former powerhouse Diamond Comic Distributors has filed for bankruptcy protection
- Jess Lanzillo says D&D 2024 sold better than D&D 5e.
- The previews are in for the D&D 2024 Monster Manual.
- Pre-orders open for Daggerheart: Core Set
- For a little while only, Wayward Rogues are offering $157 worth of D&D content for $9.99 in the 2025WR bundle.
This week, several local conventions confirmed their times, so we whisked together this Become an Event Sponsor. It’s not expensive and team Geek Native (Bronwen and I) will pop a mention of you into our socials and blog coverage.
Urg, money, I know, but it’s expensive to run the site, and my bank hurts. On that note, ad partner Gamerati has been off the digital radar for a month (perhaps DNS issues; perhaps something more) so we’re in the Google Adsense approval queue for now. We do have patreons, but that money is ringfenced; it does not go to tech costs; it pays for new human-generated content from writers and artists.
On with this week’s news!
Spotlight: Sad Fishe Games.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Diamond Comic Distributors, who own game logistics companies, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
- Geek Native as a long (with exclusive art) look at Black Book Editions’ Cats! The Conspurracy.
- Derek K is the new owner of the 3d mini printing site ANVL.
- SoulMuppet Publishing announced Mad As Hell.
- Huge, expensive and very familiar… a Deluxe Tiamat.
- Dragonlance’s Tracy Hickman penned the lore for Malediction.
- The Bundle of Holding has a Parts Per Million solo TTRPG bundle.
Support: Patreon
RPG news from around the web

- Andrew Stretch at TechRaptor has Wizards Of The Coast VP Reveals Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Sales and Digital Usage.
- Oops, missed from last week is the news that Roll20’s future is here today with the launch of Jumpgate.
- Troy Press write up Dungeon World 2: What We Know So Far
- EN World’s Beth Rimmels has a great Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual 2024 Preview.
- Forbes has A Preview Of The Dungeons And Dragons 2024 Monster Manual.
- ComicBook’s Amanda Kay Oaks goes with Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Monster Manual Sneak Peek Highlights Upcoming Changes.
- Rachel Dove, creator of the “Dungeons Not Dating” app will feature on Legacy Makers.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Reviews from R’lyeh looks at Xcrawl Classics, Till Death Do Us Part, Sanction’s Lost in the Fold, Achtung! Cthulhu’s Behind Enemy Lines and Knave.
- The Alexandrian continues their deep dive into Mothership Adventure Sphere.
- At Wargamer, Timothy Linward pens DnD’s Planescape meets Burning Man in ‘The Painted Wastelands’ adventure.
- Throat Punch Games offer a ring side report on the MythCraft core rulebook.
- B/X Blackrazor reviews The Two Spires and other AD&D adventures The Stables of Zothay, Scarborough Shire, and the Pit of the Red Wyrm.
- Grognardia offers a retrospective on Beltstrike.
- Nerdarchy reviews Zoo Mafia with Go Wild, Do Crime, Don’t Let The Humans Catch You!
- Rob Wieland pens a retro review of The Dracula Dossier.
- With permission, EN World republish (perhaps the ultimate) interviews with D&D co-creator Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.
- Ynas Midgard’s RPG Blog reviews What Lies Beneath.
- Playful Void reviews the ‘zungeon’ The Temple of Kuzhlen.
- Kobold Press does a New Gamemaster Month interview with Mandii Solano.
RPG new releases

- Beautiful Thieves Gaming has a free to download solo RPG for kids aged 8 to 10 called Adopt-A-Ghost Agency.
- Modiphius has released the Star Trek Adventures – Second Edition – Starter Set PDF.
- QuasiReal House has published the Mythcraft Edition of Harker’s Guide to Vampire Hunting and the D&D 5e edition too.
- Vruegdenhil Games has released a grid-based combat-focused TTRPG inspired by battle anime called DAWN.
- Legendary Games has a Black Flag RPG and Foundry module for Sea Monsters.
- Black Engine Studios has a grimdark Western out this week in the shape of Cöwborg.
- Green Ronin Publishing expands Cthulhu Awakens with Cults of the Mythos and Roll20 module.
- Bloat Games has released the Dark Places & Demogorgons: Ultimate Edition Cryptid Manual for Survive This!!.
- In physical releases and pre-orders, FLGS like Forbidden Planet are listing;
- Daggerheart: Core Set.
- Tales Of The Valiant: Player’s Guide & Monster Vault (Hardcover Box Set).
- Tales Of The Valiant: Monster Vault: Limited Edition (Hardcover)
- Tales Of The Valiant: Monster Vault (Hardcover).
- Tales Of The Valiant: Player’s Guide: Pocket Edition.
- Dungeons & Dragons: The Young Adventurer’s Collection: Box Set 2
- (I’m not entirely sure what it is…) D&D Bag of Holding & Devouring Box.
- D&D: Gamer Book Bag: Bag of Holding.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $147.08 (94%) Wayward Rogues Publishing has a time limited 2025WR bundle.
- Save $29.95 (26%) with QuasiReal House’s Veil of the Eternal Night bundle.
- Save $29.92 (50%) with the DMsGuild’s Tales From Greyhawk bundle.
- Save $20 (31%) with Darrington Press with the Daggerheart NEXUS + PDF bundle.
- Save $19.95 (27%) in the DMsGuild’s Greyhawk Cleric’s Guide Print Upgrade and $14.95 (25%) with the Greyhawk Player’s Guide Print Upgrade bundles.
- Save $11.29 (20%) with the DMsGuild’s Dragonlance Fantasy Grounds Everything bundle.
- Save $4.49 (100% – it’s free!) with the DMsGuild’s The Shattered Soul – Complete Solo Adventure.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Charles’ wordbuilding gets into Amazing Adventures: Yog-Sothothery.
- Ben (and the Genre Police) is Looking Back, Over My Shoulder.
- At Polygon, Charlie Hall calls It’s time for independent tabletop role-playing games to get loud.
- I found and was puzzled by these “horrific” D&D Beholder merch items.
- Ted Adams pens The Ultimate Power: A Deep Dive into the Wish Spell in Dungeons & Dragons.
- For New Gamemaster Month, Charles Ryan offers up Let’s Have a Look at the Adventure!
- Dyson Logos shares Beneath the Black Cairn.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can find the Kickstarter campaigns that have caught Geek Native’s attention at Kickstarter watch. Here are some noteworthy industry projects to mention:

- Unwrapped, A Victorian–Egyptian Horror Adventure for D&D 5e from Laurie crowdfunds “Unwrapped is a Victorian-era adventure for D&D 5th Edition, blending gothic horror with ancient Egyptian mysticism”
- The Administration – Book 2: Time to Act. A D&D 5E campaign from Brian C suggests “The second campaign in the continuing ‘The Administration’ series for Dungeons and Dragons 5E.”
- Enchanted Companions: “A guide to Fey and Magical Creatures” from Elven Foundry suggests “A 5e compatible bestiary of creatures and companios of the Fey.”
- Make 100 – Polymer Clay Dice Display Sculpture from Lisa Malone-Knewstubb introduces “A hand sculpted polymer clay dice tray for displaying your favourite set of dice (or other trinkets)”
- Teardrop Dice from ARTHUN proposes “The teardrop design and engraved numbers make them stand out from traditional cubic dice.”
- “We’re Back! Elemental Crystal Glass DND Dice is Here!” from Desiree Stovall crowdfunds “Elemental Crystal Glass Dice: Infused with Mystical Power Symbols with D6 D20”
- Drinks & Dragons: 3D Printable STL Coasters & Dice Tower from Stratation Design offers “Protect your table with style! 3D printable coasters for fantasy and everyday use, plus a dice tower that doubles as a storage rack!”
- 5e Travel Simulator – iOS & Android app from Michael Wu nominates “Generates travel scenarios and encounters for your 5e games. Helps promote exploration, world building, and role play.”
- Superdungeon Builder: Modular Dungeon Tiles – Make 100 from That Dungeon Guy submits “100 different tiles. 100 different floors. Infinite possibilities! Compatible with VTT systems. For TTRPG as Pathfinder, D&D and more!”
- The Avatar of Aramil from Legends of Athelu submits “Intrigue with the Gods in 5e. An Avatar of a Goddess has manifested in the village of Aramil – what are her divine plans?”
- Balefyre from Mitch B. nominates “Explore the ever changing world before you as the Balefyre rages, consuming all in it’s path and rewriting reality in it’s wake.”
- All in one Mechanical Dice & Case Set for Tabletop Gamers from Laurentiu crowdfunds “Discover the all-in-one mechanical dice and case set, designed for precision, durability, and convenience for tabletop gamers.”
- Weapons of Lore – 5E D&D Compatible from Jeff Stevens suggests “Cursed, traditional, rechargeable, and weapons that increase in power! For PDF, Roll20, Foundry, Shard, Print-on-Demand”
- Class Dice’ | Pastel Sharp Edge Dice Sets from Only Crits is working on “Unique DnD 5e Dice Sets representing the Iconic 5e Classes, Crafted with Precision and Style. Get a set to match your PC.”
- Darragon Chronicles: Hardcover (DND 5e Adventures) from Ready to Play nominates “Six adventures in the world’s of Darragon for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).”
- A Time Traveler’s Guide to Dinosaur Hunting from Darryl Jones introduces “Face colossal dinos, mutated monsters, and alien horrors in the largest dinosaur bestiary & adventure collection ever released for 5e!”
- Grim Tales #1: The Blood Debt from Yellowbyte Workshop raises funds for “Discover new subclasses, magic items, lore and a gothic horror adventure spanning levels 1 to 3. Face the shadows of the Mourning Vale.”
- Earthborn: The Curse of Corpsewood Forest from Story Forge kickstarts “Join the battle for nature’s survival in a D&D 5e adventure like no other!”
- Ghosts from a Forgotten World – 5E Dark Fantasy Campaign☠️🩸 from Cibola Designs kickstarts “Where magic is forbidden, alchemy has risen to advance society forward, past threatens to awaken. Will you stop the enemy or betray us?”
- Lewd Dungeon Adventures: A Date to the Grand Ball from Phoenix Grey kickstarts “A must-have dating sim for this TTRPG for couples. Expands on Hadel, opening trading opportunities between adventures!”
- The Plane Walker 5E from Eric Bleney raises funds for “Embark on a journey through time and planes in this 5e adventure for 3-5 characters level 5.”
- Legendary Monsters: Vicious and Valiant from Legendary Games proposes “Over 400 incredible creatures from real-world mythology and fabulous fantasy for Tales of the Valiant and Black Flag Roleplaying!”
- The Deck of Devilish Things – D&D 5e Supplement from Paper Quest nominates “Unleash chaos with the Deck of Devilish Things! This tarot-sized deck brings game-changing effects to your game. Dare to draw?”
- Crucible of Aether: A Mystic-Industrial TTRPG from Living Metal Games pitches “Explore a tumultuous world of magic, industry, and the eldritch — in a game where you forge your character through the skills you use!”
- Vigilante City for 5e – Street Level Superhero TTRPG from Eric Bloat submits “Punch crime in the mouth one adventure at a time!”
- Xerathor’s Grimoire of Dread [DnD 5e] from Belazan Games kickstarts “A D&D supplement filled with new dark species, shadow classes, forbidden spells, cursed items, dread monsters and a corruption system.”
- Red In Tooth And Claw from Chamomile Has A Project nominates “A 5e-compatible supplement of survival horror in a bloody wilderness”
- Northern Wildling Presents – The Lore Keeper from Ben Edwards is working on “A note taking companion for your TTRPG campaigns, making your adventures more memorable and allowing you to stay in the game!”
- The Infinite Mansion: 100 Rooms of Adventure from Robert James pitches “A realm where every room tells a story, every door holds wonder, and the mansion lives with secrets. 100 rooms. Endless possibilities.”
- Make 100: Handmade Custom Dice with Origami Dragons 2025 from Blue Crystal Atelier pitches “Custom handmade dice with hand-folded origami dragons. Full Sets and Singles. With some fun gaming accessories joining the mix!”
- Monsters at their Core: Monster Design Made Legendary! from The Monster Directive is working on “300+ pages of pure 5E monster mayhem! New and old monsters to terrorize your players and the all new monster core system!”
- Daisho: Starship Map & Miniatures from 0-hr nominates “Starship poster map and miniatures for Starfinder & sci-fi RPGs. Two fast ships that join together or operate independently.”
- RPG Adventure by Scoundrel Games from Quin Birky submits “Prison Hulk of the Damned”
- Wicked Winter – Blood in the Snow – STLs for 3D Printing from Chthonian Gods Studio suggests “3D Printable STL modular Creature project for Dungeons and Dragons, Tabletop, Wargames or other RPGs.”
- Instant Adventures from Adventure Squared nominates “A collection of over 100 D20 tables for the overworked GM.”
- Classic Game Adventures – Side Quests for RPGs from Philip Reed is working on “Inspired by the computer RPGs of the eighties, this deck of 50 cards delivers systemless hooks for any fantasy RPG.”
- SPARCS: Urban Intrigue – TTRPG encounter Card Set & 6×9 Book from SPARCS Games submits “Digital & Printable Cards – Bring your urban settings to life with random events and fun encounters for your tabletop RPG adventures!”
- To the Rescue! from Nordic Skalds submits “A grim adventure for Dragonbane / Drakar och Demoner set in Windheim, but playable in any world setting.”
- Shards of Corruption – an Adventure Anthology for 5E from Eventyr Games kickstarts “A tome of heroic adventures for 5E D&D – twisted tales of betrayal, vengeance, and redemption from indie publisher Eventyr Games!”
- D100 DUNGEONS: 100 Unique Locations for DnD 5E! from Dominic M. proposes “Roll for your next adventure! One hundred ready-to-play encounters for DnD, Pathfinder, or any fantasy TTRPG!”
Do you know of any RPG news sources we might not know? If so, please let us know or leave a comment below.