Nerdura Games returns to Kickstarter with a reputation for success but a Kickstarter that won’t please everyone. Craving uses a d6 to power a zombie game. The indie publisher also says it will use AI art when needed but as a likely last resort.
The campaign has been funded, and the Kickstarter project will run until June 6th. You can see progress at the pitch page.

The final book will be 88 pages and use the TRUE-D6 system. The mechanics have players roll d6, sometimes with advantage or disadvantage, to get under either Vigor, Dexterity, Intellect, Willpower or Awareness. Rolling precisely the value is a critical success.
Characters in the post-apocalyptic zombie world also have drive points to spend on re-rolls and follow skill trees to develop.
Craving is, in part, a game about survival, but there are also Settlement Rules in case PCs find somewhere to call home or try and make one.
The survivors will begin their tribulations with meager provisions and will need to manage their resources within the limits of their backpack’s capacity. The search for water and food will be crucial, as will the search for precious and limited bullets and medicines. Once they have a settlement, they will be able to store what burdens them there.

There’s only one tier, which is unusual. Backers who offer up €7 will get the Craving in PDF and a discount code for a print-on-demand physical copy from DriveThruRPG.
Add-ons, such as 5E collections, dice and game collections, or both, are available for people who want to access Nerdura Games’ back catalogue.
The estimated delivery is soon, July 2024.