Kadokawa’s God’s Game We Play is due out in April. The Japanese name is Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru, and I’m told the literal translation is God is Hungry for Games, but the anime will be called God’s Game We Play.
God’s Game We Play is based on Kei Sazan’s light novels and will have AliA perform “NewGame” the opening theme song.
Hina Tachibana has been announced as the voice actor for a supporting character called Pearl Diamond and the performer of the end theme.
Yen Press have the license for the English novels, and they offer this summary;
When the gods grow bored, they decide to spice up their eternal existence by challenging all takers in an ultimate battle of wits! Of course, these deities are capricious, unfair, and incomprehensible at the best of times, so winning is virtually impossible for a mere mortal. Even so, things are bound to get interesting when a former goddess and a genius human boy team up in a bid to win the game to end all games!
While this is the first trailer for God’s Game We Play, we have had a teaser video before.
What do you think? Measured observations are welcome and you can leave them in the comment section below.