This brand-new Arkham Gazette Bundle features The Arkham Gazette, the Miskatonic Country magazine from Sentinel Hill Press for Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu.
Since 2013, each issue of The Arkham Gazette has covered a different area of the New England region formerly known as “Lovecraft Country” (unrelated to the 2020 HBO Max TV series). This Bundle of Holding runs only until the 1st of November and is available until then.
Arkham Collection – $9.95
The retail value of the bundle weighs in at $54.
From the crumbling, whisper-haunted streets of Arkham to the decaying docks of Innsmouth to the fog-shrouded village of Kingsport, The Arkham Gazette is your guide to the local oddities, curiosities, and forbidden lore. Each issue includes a full-length Call of Cthulhu scenario, high-quality handouts, and a bibliography of relevant published scenarios.
The Arkham Gazette continues the tradition of Cthulhu Mythos magazines by exploring a wide range of subjects, not all of which are obviously Lovecraftian. Editor Bret Kramer says,
Arkham Gazette articles draw from a mix of resources – setting materials, history, folklore, Mythos fiction – and while each issue is focused on a place or topic in relation to Miskatonic Country, many articles have a wider remit. For example, the tome pieces might describe a particular De Vermis Mysteriis found in Kingsport, but all the background information on that tome is universal. Ditto our pieces on Deep One gold, the Feejee mermaid, or witches’ familiars. Other items apply not just to Arkham and Innsmouth, but to New England generally.”
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- Download: Smörgasbörg.
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