We’ve just watched the announcement trailer for Still Wakes the Deep, the latest game from The Chinese Room – and we’re excited for it!
That’s right, the studio that brought us Dear Esther, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is coming at us with a new oil rig horror game that promises to be a chill fest!

Described as a ‘narrative horror game’ set in Scotland circa 1975, it’s a first-person game that takes the studio ‘back to its roots’.
The announcement trailer is full of atmosphere and tension – which is just want you want from a horror teaser trailer.
Check the official announcement trailer out below:
The Chinese Room have released a short blurb to go with, which reads:
“Disaster strikes the Beira D oil rig off the coast of Scotland. Navigate the collapsing rig to save your crew from an otherworldly horror on the edge of all logic and reality.”
And, if you don’t mind us saying, this seems to be generally a good time for Scottish oil rig horrors, what with the success of The Rig and all!
Still Wakes the Deep will be released early 2024 and will be available for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PC and Game Pass.
In the meantime, you can buy Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs right here on Steam or the entire collection of Amnesia via the Playstation Store.
Source: Engadget