There’s a free RPG setting for Carnival Row from Monte Cook Games (PDF link) and now an official trailer for season two.
The story follows season one with Orlando Bloom’s Rycroft Philostrate getting dragged into a murder case even though he’s no longer an inspector. The deaths are causing social friction, a subject close to his heart.
Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevingne) and the Black Raven plot retaliation for The Burgue’s human leaders, Jonah Breakspear (Arty Froushan) and Sophie Longerbane’s cruel subjugation (Caroline Ford). Tourmaline (Karla Crome) acquires supernatural abilities that jeopardise her fate and The Row’s future. Imogen Spurnrose (Tamzin Merchant) and her partner Agreus Astrayon (David Gyasi) meet a radical new civilisation after escaping The Burgue and her violent brother Ezra (Andrew Gower).
The setting has a free RPG through a marketing collaboration but does require the Cypher System engine to run. That’s not free but there is a free preview that might be enough to get you started.
The Cypher System is getting some love as an alternative to the currently out of favour 5e. Why? The Cypher System Open License has had some new content and is an alternative to Wizards of the Coast’s OGL.

Carnival Row returns to Amazon Prime on the 17th of February.