The board President of GAMA, Kylie Primus, has announced he’ll be stepping down. In fact, his resignation was effective from July 19th.
The Game Manufacturers Association runs Origins and has had a rocky pandemic but has come back strongly by supporting FLGS, the RollVsEvil and expelling TGC-Games from Origins after allegations of harassment.
Prymus joined GAMA’s Retail Division board in 2020, replacing John Stephens.
Replacing Prymus, temporarily, is Grace Collins from Snowbright Studio. New officers will be elected on August 18th following The Game Manufacturers Association’s regulations.
Little Shop of Magic’s John Coviello replaces Prymus as the Retail Voting Membership representative on the board.
Kylie Prymus was appointed GAMA President only in April this year after the GAMA restructure. The appointment was unopposed, and he is stepping down now due to time pressure.
GAMA was founded in 1977 to protect Origins Game Fair, became a non-profit in 1982 and grew into a games industry association to protect and assist retailers, game makers and industry professionals. Geek Native isn’t a member because GAMA also charges press and blogs for membership.
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