There are only a few days left to back the short run, but the successor Gamefound crowdfunding project for Studio Agate’s Vermin 2047.
The game is post-apocalyptic, a slow and somewhat mysterious apocalypse. Nature has reclaimed the world, humans are not at the top of the food chain, and the vermin are. There are different game modes where you can ramp up the supernatural, or even monsters, to make survival even more challenging. You can find out more on the pitch page.
Implicit in the proposition is that the game will be in English. Studio Agate is an award-winning French studio, known for Shadows of Esteren and the 5e Fateforge. The videos about the game, one of which you can see below, are in French and with English subtitles, but the Gamefound page is in English.
Set in 2047, this is a new edition of Vermin, a re-write that’s been created as if the award-winning original had never been. It’ll use the Totem system, works with players on the world-building, and has a greater focus on gameplay.
The Vermin Survival Kit is done, and the Gamefound is to pay for the printing with Studio Agate willing to send backers the PDF once the campaign wraps.
That’ll get you the setting, the rules, character generation, 6-pregenned characters and three adventures.
There’s also a free “Totem pouch” for all physical tier pre-orders.
In 2047, the era of information is a thing of the past. Networks have failed, and media are no more. Cellphones are only used to take pictures and store pages from manuals, road maps, and blueprints. The closest thing to a social network is travel banter, encounters on the road, and the rare moment of peace. No one in Arizona knows what is happening in China, in Africa, on the other side of the Atlantic, or even in a neighboring state. The youngest humans are not even aware that there is something beyond the oceans. The boundaries of one’s world are rivers, forests, mountain ranges, and however far binoculars and shortwave radios can reach.
Pre-ordering at €15 will secure you the PDF, and at €30 you’ll get the print edition with the PDF and stretch goals.
The “Horde” tier is €60, or about $65, which adds in the GM screen, character sheets and “tuckbox” to the physical goodies. I’ve no idea what a tuckbox is but if it’s the unlikely cross between a lunch box and a tuck shop, count me in.
At the top, the €80 Predator tier adds in dice and art prints.
Studio Agate, who had it rough over the lockdown but are very experienced with crowdfunding, estimates a November 2022 delivery.
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