DriveThruRPG, like some other marketplaces, is now coordinating events and product launches bundled into a single community activity known as a “Jam”. DriveThru will call their own take on this PocketQuest challenges.
The first PocketQuest is themed around Summer Camps and closes on August 1st. Games in the PocketQuest will be less than 20-pages long but complete RPGs.

The RPG marketplace isn’t straightforward. Virtual tabletop companies like Fantasy Grounds, Roll20 and Foundry sell rule books and supplements directly. D&D Beyond does too, but that’s now been sold to Wizards of the Coast. This means the D&D publisher can cut retailers out and go directly.
Fandom, which used to run D&D Beyond, still has a marketplace. They have Fanatical but hasn’t put any RPG PDF or ebooks there yet.
There’s also Itch, the computer game marketplace adopted by indie TTRPG designers and is known for its easy-to-put-together bundles and jams. In fact, many would consider Itch to be the home of jams.
Previously, DriveThruRPG had no such answer to Itch’s ability to inspire content and tap into the zeitgeist and causes with jams. Now the company is offering spotlight promotions for PocketQuest projects, badges for publishers and starter kits to help out.

PocketQuest 2022: Summer Camp
What comes to mind for possible RPGs and Summer Camp? Monsters in the wood? Teen romances? Slasher horror?
We’ll find out what the publisher community at DriveThruRPG can do in two months.
DriveThruRPG has told publishers there will be front-page site promotions in August. This is good news for smaller publishers as its a way to get their RPG talent in front of wider audiences and more consent-based emails into their mailing lists.
Creative Commons art credit: Morgulia Encampment Concept by HorizonPointShawn.