Every convention has its share of cosplayers doing Rule 63 cosplays depicting characters with their genders switched. But at last weekend’s WonderCon, there were some truly fantastic takes on these types of costumes.
Some of these cosplays were done by those who simply wanted to dress up as a character who happens to be a different gender, while others were modified and sexed-up to the extreme to emphasize the cosplayer’s different body type, but in either case, the end result is a delightful dedication to a beloved pop culture character.

If you’ve ever played the Witcher 3, then you know how incredibly spot-on this Dandelion cosplay by Grace Ramonaa (@graceramonaaa) is. Of course, the funny thing about this crossplay is that this outlandish outfit looks so much better suited to a female poet extraordinaire than a male, but, of course, that’s part of what makes Dandelion so fop-ishly fantastic.
Cammy and Chun-Li

There are some men who think that just putting on a revealing female costume is funny, so they don’t put any effort into the look. On the other hand, truly dedicated cosplayers always take the time to make an incredible costume -and that’s definitely the case when it comes to the cosplayers behind these Cammy and Chun-Li costumes. Ryan (@rye_n_cosplay) and David Wayne (@dkarthall) spent a lot of time and effort on these costumes and it shows!
It’s worth noting that if you are totally wowed by their costumes, it’s worth noting that David does cosplay commissions if you reach out to him on Instagram.
Doctor Strange

There’s so much to love about this insanely detailed Doctor Strange cosplay, which has been so subtly feminized that you might not even recognize the handful of changes that @couturecostumecreations made to the ensemble.

Casual fans easily confused this Woody cosplay with one of Toy Story’s cowgirl, Jessie, but give her more than a casual glance and you’ll quickly see her yellow-plaid shirt and brown hat make her obviously Buzz Lightyear’s best friend. And while this costume is undoubtedly sexy, can we all please just skip the obvious “giving me a woody” jokes?
Alastor Moody

Few “Mad-Eye” Moody cosplays look as accurate as this one by Andrea Seale (@cosplaymom99), regardless of the gender of the cosplayer. While she’s all alone in this picture, Mrs. Seale has quite a few Harry Potter cosplay companions -visit her Instagram to see some of the great pictures of them all together.
David Bowie

Most comic conventions are filled with cosplays of superheroes and anime characters, but there’s still plenty of room for those who want to cosplay as their favorite musicians. And that’s especially true when it comes to cosplaying as one of David Bowie’s many musical personas (like Aladdin Sane), which are, in themselves, fictional characters.

Maybe it’s just me but I have a hard time imagining Arya Snark (@arya_snark) eating 2 dozen eggs every day, but she still makes one heck of a female Gaston and the way she turned his hunting vest into a corset top is simply brilliant.
Freddy Krueger

Is this Freddy cosplayer the girl of your dreams or your nightmares? One thing’s for sure, this woman serves as a great example of how you don’t have to make your own costume to do a fantastic cosplay. Just find a costume you like and make it your own, like she did with this Spirit Freddy Krueger dress paired with a leather corset that makes the store-bought costume a little edgier.
Deadpool Ariel

It seems so perfectly meta for an article on genderswapped cosplays to feature a fictional male character cosplaying as a Disney princess -as long that male character happens to be Deadpool. And given how much Disney cosplay there is at the convention located right across the street from Disneyland, this Ariel Deadpool armed with a banana cosplay by Braden Coss (@the_unstoppable_wolverine2.0) is also a perfect encapsulation of the strange library of titles now owned by Disney since they took over Marvel and 20th Century Fox.
On a side note, Deadpool cosplays are always a fun option if you want to cosplay but don’t have a big budget or a lot of skills because a simple morphsuit and a crazy attitude are all you need to pull off the look.

This cosplayer makes a fantastic Matt Murdoch, with the only major difference between her and the original being the length of her hair.
By the way, Matt Murdoch in his non-Daredevil costume is another great cosplay option for those on a budget because you simply need to find a gray suit from a thrift store and pair it with a little fake blood, some rounded sunglasses and a cane for the blind.
Captain Mal

If you have a problem with this cosplayer’s crossplay of Firefly’s famous captain, then I swear by my pretty floral bonnet that I will end you. If, on the other hand, you’d like to cosplay as Mal, then you too can do so with only a simple red shirt, overalls, and a leather belt fitted with a holster. That being said, if you really want to add an extra level of authenticity, invest in a replica of his gun because props can turn a good cosplay into a great one with minimal effort and only a small increase in your budget.
The Doctor

Everyone knows The Doctor can regenerate into a female, but it would be surprising to see The Doctor randomly regenerate into a female who happens to have a penchant for the same clothes as Tom Baker’s Forth incarnation of the character. That being said, there’s a lot to love about this charming and adorable take on the character.

Cosplayer Ayla Trayler (@meredream) took on quite a challenge by strapping on those iconic red sneakers for a Sonic cosplay, but as long as she’s got her gold ring ready, I think she’ll be able to stand up against Doctor Robotnik’s most dangerous creations.

It’s showtime! And something tells me Beetlejuice wouldn’t be so busy trying to take a peek under Barbara’s skirt if he had a body quite like this.
Judge Dredd

Yes, she is the law and may serve as judge, juror and executioner, but I’ve gotta say, I know a lot of men who would gladly surrender to this cosplayer.