Nuovarden is a tabletop RPG about exploration and discovery in a dangerous world. The game is inspired by the likes of Avatar: The Last Airbender but also Castlevania and games like Monster Hunter.
Geek Native has an exclusive look at some Wotanla art to share below, which reveals a character that could well be from either Avatar or Castlevania, surprisingly.
There’s a free Nuovarden quickstart to download that introduces the Fortunes d4 System. Fortunes d4 uses limited but renewable resource pools rather than ability scores that rarely change. Adventure Slang Productions say that this approach encourages more tactics and better gameplay. They’re asking the Kickstarter community for $12,000 to fund the game, and you can make a pledge from the pitch page.
The campaign video and the opening part of the Kickstarter story are about the garden world the Starnam arrived into. It’s the setting that Adventure Slang seems to want to talk about, which is probably a good thing, as the quickstart is there for people interested in how a d4 system can work.
There are more interesting mechanics to the RPG, though. Nuovarden is a setting with a barter system and economics. Characters trade and craft, with defeated creatures providing the opportunity to harvest valuable items.
Five generations ago the Starnam arrived in the garden and found a lush world teeming with life. They thought of the lone residents who watched over the land, the Lanplac, as simple and rudimentary in their ways and technology. The Starnam possessed an unlimited ability to manifest all they needed, and in their folly believed they could improve the garden with their power; but there were other factors unknown to the strangers. In short order, the landscape absorbed the manifesting power of the Starnam, and distributed it throughout the dimension, reducing the visitors to the strength of Mind only, and giving rise to new people. The sky crystal cracked, and a heretofore unknown twilight descended. When the new morning came, the dimension had changed, though none knew to what extent . . .

Early bird pledges are still open, which mean $20, not $25, for a digital copy of the core Nuovarden rules.
It also means $40, not $45, for the black and white (until stretch goals are met) paperback and PDF combo.
There are higher supporter tiers, including retailer options and a private game with Ty Moore, one of the co-creators of ASP, monster design or both.
If the ambitious campaign is successful, Nuovarden is slated to be delivered in November.
Exclusive Wotanla preview

It is expected this art will appear in the book. It’s possible that this first edition of Nuovarden may be a black and white print run, and so this may be your only chance to see this Wotanla, a mysterious subclass from the game, in colour.
On the other hand, the area is more rich with mineral deposits, gemstones, and the ultra rare elemental stones, prized by Wōtanla for their empowering abilities. Those explorers from other cultures who do venture there find a new region of discovery, explorable for as long as they can tolerate the environment.
Quick Links
- Nuovarden Kickstarter.
- Nuovarden Quickstarter