It’s a return to the Bundle of Holding for Goodman Gems. These are system-neutral books from Goodman Games, which might be better known for their systems like Dungeon Crawl Classics.
The deal has been featured before, and this one will run until Friday the 18th of February. There’s a dedicated landing page until then.
Starter Collection – $9.95
There’s $37 retail value worth of downloads in this tier.
- The Adventurer’s Almanac
- DM Campaign Tracker
- PC Pearls
- GM Gems
Bonus Collection
The cost of the Bonus Collection will change over time, but it started at $24/95 and will unlock a further five downloads with $57 in total.
- The Dungeon Alphabet
- The Monster Alphabet
- The Cthulhu Alphabet
- 50 Fantastic Functions for the D50
- Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck
Quick Links
- Bundle of Holding’s Goodman Gems.
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