Rebecka Kjellin is a Swedish gamer with a new setting for 5e on Kickstarter. Frostmark is set behind a firewall, in a realm with only humans. That barrier is about to drop the non-human races, and angry gods expelled hundreds of years ago will return.
There are also significant changes to 5e. There are nine ability scores, not six, a re-done class system, risk and souls in magic and the port over to the metric system. You can join in, see progress or just read more on the pitch page.
The new class system begins with a backstory and discussion. That leads to ability origins as fitting your character, and that becomes your class. When you level up, you pick abilities from your ability origins that fit the narrative.
The campaign creates three digital books for Frostmark; the Player’s Guide, Playing Frostmark and Frostmark Adversaries.
Playing a campaign of Frostmark revolves and thrives around choices and consequences. Where will you go next? Who will be your ally, and who will you make an enemy of? What can you live with in order to make your wishes become reality? The choices you make will shape and form the opinions and actions of others around you, and ultimately, influence how your story is told.
Curious? The Kickstarter provides a 45+ page teaser for the setting.
The first book, Player’s Guide, has the campaign setting, character generation, backgrounds and that ability origin system of the class overhaul.
Playing Frostmark adds in the new system for spells, the one introduces the risks and cost of spells. It’s also this book that makes rules revisions and offers a GM’s Guide.
As you’d expect, Frostmark Adversaries has monsters and foes, but also new lore.
The first pledge of support for Frostmark is the €40 (about £34) tier which gets you the Frostmark Player’s Guide and Playing Frostmark PDFs, plus thank yous and Discord roles.
At €60, the Frostmark Adversaries PDF adds the thank you rewards.
The higher tiers are attracting backers too, and these add t-shirts and posters, even a coat of arms hoodie. In fact, the top tier of €500 only has 7 spaces left, which has the t-shirt, hoodie, four posters, a three-shot adventure with Rebecka Kjellin in addition to digital books.
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