Time for a data science post!
We combine the wisdom of the crowds and social media with the Twitter account @CanYouPetTheDog with the scraping and infographic skills of Protect My Paws (pet insurance) to feature two sets of data.
We’ve got the most pettable dogs from computer games.
Not all dogs in games are pettable, though. Sometimes programmers under the crunch to get the game shipped on time can’t add that feature in. Shocking.
So, we also have data on the dogs that gamers wish they could pet. It’s here that we remember that gamers are weird.
Most pettable game dogs
Victory goes to Polterpup, easily.
Polterpup is a ghost dog from Luigi’s Manion 3. That’s the Ghostbusters meets Marios Bros smashup that’s surprisingly fun. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait too long for your first chance to pet this ghostly doggo.
Computer game dogs gamers wish they could pet
And victory goes to Bloddborne’s hounds. Wait? What?
It’s true, Can You Pet this Dog? gives this Bloodborne horror a hellish lead with nearly 45K likes.
I guess we owe content marketing and outreach even more thanks for such educational insight into computer game psychology.
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