Redditor and aquarium enthusiast Carly Thompson was given an AT-AT for Christmas by her brother.
I wonder what he thought she would do with it. Channelling Dagobah swamp vibes, Carly transformed the walking war machine into an underwater galactic forest ruin.

Carly told Reddit;
I knew that I wanted it to look as natural as possible. I recalled the map Kashyyyk in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. That and the Moon of Endor from the Star Wars movies were my inspiration for this tank.
Give me three months, and I still wouldn’t be able to recreate this, but it took Carly only three days.
Cholla, common aquarium wood, was used to create the three trunks and java moss with three-leaf seed used for that swampy jungle look.
It was harder to decide which fish would be desirable and appropriate for thank.
The marine life that I chose to put into this tank was a very difficult decision. I wanted neon tetras because I felt the bright blue and red colors would not only represent a lightsaber appearance, but they would also give a good pop of color.”

At first ember tetras would indeed find their way into the alien waters.
Their fiery red color and the overall natural behavior of these fish are what made me want them. I purchased five of them at my local pet store and stocked my tank. These fish were so curious and active in the tank.”
However, it was to be a brief visit only. Carly moved the tetras onto a larger tank. Red cherry shrimp then moved into the underwater forest.