Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax created D&D to play Blackmoor. The setting is the first campaign world we had for a traditional tabletop RPG, and back in 2007, a revised and updated edition was made available as an official download.
That edition is the Deal of the Day at DTRPG. So, for the 19th of July, you can pick up Zeitgeist Games’ expanded edition of the first setting D&D ever had and get it for $3.00.
You need access to D&D 3’s ruleset to play the game.
Over 30 years ago, Dave Arneson created the world that spawned a generation of role playing fans! This core campaign setting is 240 pages and features a full color pull out map of Blackmoor! Features Newly Revised and additional materials from the previous hardback edition!’, ‘ The First Fantasy Campaign. Thirty years ago, the world’s first fantasy campaign began. Now it’s back! Enter Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor, a brooding world of dragons, dungeons, and danger. After thirty years of development, Blackmoor is ready for your adventures.
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor Campaign Book is 242-pages and comes complete with maps of the world that Gygax once explored.

As a curio, listed in the book’s DriveThruRPG page as an award won is the GameWyrd Wyrd Award for ” The RPG or Supplement Most Likely to Improve Your Campaign, 2005″. That was Geek Native in an earlier incarnation.