It’s not unusual to read tabletop roleplaying games suggest that you think of a game as a cooperative writing project for an epic movie. Mighty Narwhal Productions leans into that concept even further with Morra.
The Morra Cinematic Roleplaying Game System uses a Writer’s Room concept so that players can share ownership of the story, be invested in it, and have fun no matter what happens to the character they write for. However, it’s still a game with consequences. Mighty Narwhal is asking Kickstarter to find $21,000, and within just a few days, they’re nearly there with more than $16,000 in pledges. You can see the latest total or join in from the pitch page.
There are still mechanics such as Attributes, Skills and Qualities in the Morra system, but the Writer’s Room approach discusses what players want or expect before a scene.
The writing team who have worked on the World of Darkness, new Chronicles of Darkness, Shadowrun and Paizo products before include sample settings such as a pulp wartime adventure of Nazi punching or Night Witches and magic flying. The system, though, can handle thing from a TV show size scale to an epic movie.
Using Morra, you can create any setting you ever wanted to play in. Whether its books, movies, or television, the system is inspired by the film industry and the common language of films. It plays on universal themes and tropes so you can play everything from a robot cowboy to an ancient Goddess. You gather with the rest of your cast, and the Director (our version of the Game Master) to write the kind of stories you’ve always wanted to tell.
A PDF of the system is included in backer rewards for anyone who offers $15 of support.
The hardcover unlocks at $35, with total international shipping options and access to Kickstarter’s add-on system.
Higher pledges exist for people wishing to buy more copies or have a character in the book named after them. That character tier, Ravenswood Academy Cast member, is limited and likely to soon sell out. The highest tier, $400, is also on the verge of selling out.
The estimated delivery for the game is November 2021, except for the PDF, slated for September.
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