Goodman Games has bought the Dark Tower from the Judges’ Guild and will republish it as a DCC and 5e adventure.

We’re not talking about Stephen King’s Dark Tower here, but the only non-TSR module to ever make Dungeon Magazine’s rating as one of “the greatest D&D modules of all time”.
The original designer, Jennell Jaquays, will be helping with the design, and Chris Doyle will lead the 5e conversion. The adventure suits parties of level 8 to level 12 heroes.
Situated in the Redmoon Pass, on a once popular trade route between bustling cities, was a hermitage for devote followers of Mitra. It eventually developed into first Mitraic temple, complete with an ornate, bleached White Tower. In addition to its good-aligned followers, celestials were soon attracted to the stronghold and bolstered the ranks of Good. But such a bastion of goodness soon gained the attention of the vile god Set, ancient sworn enemy of Mitra. In the inky darkness of a moonless night, a massive black tower was conjured with deific might, crushing most of the village. The ranks of Set’s faithful hordes poured forth and delivered savage carnage on the devotees of Mitra and innocents alike. The very earth roiled in disgust at the bloodshed and destruction wrought by the forces of evil, triggering landslides and burying the towers, village and the battleground.
The original Dark Tower adventure was published in 1979, and this homage will include high-quality scans of the original with fresh material for the mini-campaign and mega-dungeon.
Last year, Goodman Games distanced themselves from the Judges’ Guild after the owner of the company shared racist and bigoted views on social media.
At the time, Goodman Games said they had no plans to release future Judges Guild titles. However, Geek Native notes that perhaps rather than license Dark Tower from Judge’s Guild, Goodman Games may have bought it outright.