Guy Sclanders, the host of YouTuBe series How To Be A Great Game Master, has teamed up with Dungeon Fog to bring a book battlemaps to Kickstarter. The book uses ring-binding to ensure the maps can lay flat and then the innovation is to have foldouts attached. The result is an A4 book that holds larger maps.
The campaign goal was £7, 875 and with 25 days on the clock, at the time of writing, nearly £25, 000 has been pledged. You can join in via the campaign page.
The Dungeon Fog partnership means that, as well as the physical book, digital maps suitable for virtual tabletops, are also part of the campaign.
The maps, as you’d hope, can be written on and then wiped clean with the right sort of marker. It’s also possible with some maps to lay two books side by side to expand the area.
The book has 24 maps in total, and 18 of them are 4 pages long when fully extended (that’s 33″) long, and 6 maps are 3 pages long. We’re told there’s a stretch goal that will make all the maps in the book 4 pages long, but that has not yet been revealed.
A pledge of £10 will get you half of the core maps in digital form and anything else digital stretch goals bring. £20 makes that the full collection of VTT maps.
The book itself requires a pledge of £35. That includes all the digital assets and stretch goals.
Nearly as many backers have gone for £65 to get 2 copies of the book.