Do you need to quickly draw up a monstrous chimaera or some other hybrid horror to terrorise your players?
Well, here’s help from a strange ally: Google.

The Chimera Painter is part of Google’s AI tests. Using it means you’re helping to teach Google’s machine learning, and in the T&Cs, they even say they might talk to you about a video game.
However, the premises is a good one; if only there was a way to crayon out a rough outline of a monster, press a button, and transform it into a fully rendered horror.
Using buttons to change the brush from body parts like “Upper Legs Front”, to “Head”, or “Mouth” or “Claws”, you splash down the colours and then it that transform button.
What you’ll probably get is a leathery horror. I don’t think the system does feathers, scales or anything like that. I can’t even figure out how to recreate the rock the initial default model is standing on, but I have created some evil-looking devil-goblins.
I wonder how many sites that cover this story already have WordPress tags for both “Google” and “monsters“?