Every year, or so, the Bundle of Holding curates and then discounts a pile of useful worldbuilding material for tabletop gamers. It’s a helpful pack for D&D groups, Pathfinder or pretty much any system you care to name.
2020’s collection of goodies, the 7th such offer the site has run, contains two Suppressed Transmissions collections from Kenneth Hite, two books from Robin D. Laws, two Lazy DM offerings from Sly Flourish and a Kobold Guide as well as plenty more.
You can check out the full bundle at the deal page.

Starter Collection – $9.95
$9.95 is enough to unlock $42.50 worth of downloads in the primary, starter tier.
- Kobold Guide to Gamemastering
- The White Box Essays
- Compendium of Contemporary Weapons
- Dungeons for the Master
- 20 Dungeon Starters
Bonus Collection
The price of the Bonus Collection will rise and fall as people buy bundles but, right now, it’ll cost you $20.47 and unlock $65 worth of extra content.
- Suppressed Transmission 1-2
- Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Beating the Story
- Robin’s Laws of Good Game Mastering
- Dyson Logos Map Packs 2018-2019
A percentage of the money raised by this bundle goes to fight the pandemic and the charity Direct Relief.