Remember the short animation The Reward? Loads of gamers loved it. A Kickstarter later and we are gearing up for a feature length. We’re yet to see whether the full animation can re-capture the magic The Reward pulled off. Much of the charm in The Reward was the surprises the short film packed in and […]
Tales of Alethrion trailer
I’m a big fan of the short animation The Reward. I backed the team when they went to crowdfunding to take the 9 minute story and make it a much larger one. As a recap – two men fighting over a map, team up, for the sake of the map and explore the world looking […]
The Reward could spawn even more fantasy action
I had all sorts of praise for The Reward. This is a short animation about two people, rivals at first, friends in the end, who find themselves on a long and dangerous journey. The animation appealed to many RPG classics with action, adventure and mystery. The team behind the Vimeo success have now turned to […]
The Reward
The Reward is a short animation that comes out of Viborg, Denmark for a Bachelor project. It’s the story of two unlikely adventurers who find themselves on an unknown mission. I think gamers will recognise plenty of scenes and recall similar events from their own adventures. The question is; what’s the reward? This is a […]