Catch up on the latest tabletop gaming news, including Elon Musk’s feud with Wizards of the Coast, Steve Jackson Games’ charitable donation, a unique 5e bestiary project, a tribute to Amber Cook, and the rise of BlueSky’s RPG community.
RPG News
RPG news curated from a week's worth of tabletop roleplaying game industry coverage from Geek Native and other sites. Routinely Itemised takes the last seven days of RPG news and condenses it into easy to scan bullet-point lists of headlines and links.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #283
D&D’s latest Dungeon Master’s Guide has arrived, but Hasbro faces a lawsuit from investors. Meanwhile, Wizards of the Coast seeks new talent for original content, and Geek Native conducts an unusual interview.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #282
The tabletop RPG world catches up with Mongoose Publishing’s annual report, Hasbro’s declining D&D sales, the release of the first official Blades in the Dark supplement, and the arrival of Krampus-themed content
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #281
It’s the first RPG news summary of November and we’ve a host of Halloween deals and RPG updates.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #280
Geek Native interviews the Torchbearer RPG comic book team. Zweihander finds a new owner. Wizards of the Coast undergoes staffing changes. The Discworld TTRPG Kickstarter surpasses £1.3 million and adjusts pledge levels.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #279
What do you think will happen in the tail-end of 2024? More or fewer TTRPG nights: What will that make for the hobby?
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We’re not in the USA so it seems out of place to sign or not sign except to say we hope the next President of the USA is strong against Russia, does not want to bomb Mexico and believes in climate change.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #277
TTRPG news roundup: Kickstarter launches surge, Mongoose acquires 2300AD & Twilight: 2000, Free League releases The Electric State RPG, a VOLTRON RPG is coming, and Steve Hatherley wins Geek Native’s Spotlight vote.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #276
Last week, Geek Native struggled to gauge the sales success of the new D&D book. This week, Wizards of the Coast stepped in with a press release to set the record straight. Or did they?
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #275
Scotland Loves Anime expands to London with tickets and dates now available! Chaosium to publish Elf Quest. Support Doctors Without Borders with Roll20Con’s impressive charity bundles. Pre-order Space: 1999 TTRPG and Critical Role’s Daggerheart RPG. Exciting week for tabletop fans!