Ben Redmond is one of the key players at British RPG company Malladin’s Gate. This innovative publisher has made inroads in the PDF RPG product circles with some widely respected d20 products. The latest, DarkLore, blends the dark and gritty fantasy that many might associate with a low powered game with high fantasy elements. GameWyrd’s […]
RPG Previews: Dark Lore | Echoes #11
Character Customization Pirates! (with Spellbound bonus) Agents of Faith The Complete Guide to Beholders Dark Lore Blood and Guts Dark Lore An 19-paged, Dark Lore preview can be downloaded at the end of this page. The following text and illustrations are just a sample. Krynas – a stricken world The world of Krynas is a […]
Modern Heroes: Martial Avengers
Game: Modern Heroes: Martial AvengersPublisher: Malladin’s Gate Series: D20 ModernReviewer: WyrdmasterReview Dated: 15th, April 2004Reviewer’s Rating: 8/10 [ Really good ]Total Score: 8Average Score: 8.00 It looks like a movie poster. “Modern Heroes: Martial Avengers. MALLADIN’S GATE PRESS presents a D20 MODERN supplement, a NIGEL MCCLELLAND production.” The front cover is bound to get […]