This video shows cosplayer Durp001 in a nearly finished Chaos Lord Kranon suit testing how it moves. There’s a bonus for fluffy animal fans too and a scene you’d not expect a Warhammer 40K chaos marine to find himself in! Got to say; the talent on show here is impressive. This is more than “just […]
Warhammer Chaos Lord Kranon cosplay
Cosplayer and crafter Durp001 has been busy building a Krandon the Relentless suit. It’s impressive. Kranon the Relentless is a Choas Lord and leader of the Chaos Space Marines warband known as the Crimson Slaughter. Once he commanded the Crimson Sabres Chapter of Space Marines but after the massacre inflicted by the Chapter on the […]
Kickstarting Chaos – crowdfunding a classic
Kevin Gilmartin is the editor of GeekChocolate. He reads a lot of sci-fi, plays a lot of Warhammer 40k and is old enough to know better. [Read the prelaunch page] “Retro” is term used too lightly these days. Stuff from 1997 is not retro – it’s just a bit old. When people talk about retro […]