In the heart of London, 15-year-old George Moore works with his uncle to erase the political stain left by his father, who was blamed for turning a technological breakthrough designed to bring unparalleled glory to the British Empire into a horrific disaster.
Brimstone and Treason review
Book: Brimstone and Treason Author: Caroline Dunford Publisher: Manatee Books ISBN: 1-900048-07-8 Reviewer: Wyrdmaster Caroline Dunford has provided fiction for the SLA Industries roleplaying game and for Wizards of the Coast. The back of Brimstone and Treason describes that relationship as “their ideas, her words” and so I suppose this novella is a chance to […]
Book Previews: Brimstone and Treason | Echoes #12
Roleplaying Previews Shades of Earth: History Shades of Earth: Classes Victoriana: Science & Steam Power Victoriana: Wescot’s Folly Star Ace Brimstone and Treason Brimstone and Treason Chapter One: The Set Up ‘Oops!’ Anja had never heard Damian say anything quite so unconsidered. Normally all his comments seemed to spring from the Suave and Sophisticated Handsome […]
Caroline Dunford reads from A Death In The Family
In this clip author Caroline Dunford reads from the first in the Euphemia Martins Mystery series and picks up where young Euphemia is trying to explain to the police how she happened to find a body… and throws the light of suspicion on herself. I’ve read A Death in the Family myself and recommend it!