Green Ronin’s Chronicle System powers the now out-of-license Game of Thrones RPG and the soon-to-be-launched Sword Chronicle.
Today, the publisher announced the Chronicle System Guild for DriveThruRPG. The Guild allows third-party publishers to make, sell and keep some of the profit from Chronicle System supplements via DriveThruRPG.
If you’re a publisher working through DriveThruRPG, you’ll be able to publish Chronicle-compatible products by following the rules and license we lay out. Sword Chronicle will be the rulebook publishers reference.
Sadly, this does not mean you can create for the Game of Thrones RPG. That’s a licensed property and attempting to sell anything that uses the name will surely land you in a heap of trouble. However, you could create a supplement all about a golden empire set far to the east of a continent of warring kingdoms and which was ancient before the westerners even trained their first dragons. You could create class options for people known as “Shadow Men”.
Why should Game of Thrones fans take note? Well, if you’re still using the Game of Thrones RPG but fancy expanding it with some professionally written new rules then the new Guild may help. You may find that someone else has written an affordable and cleverly designed system for dragon races or throne melting contests if that’s what you fancy.
If you’re a game or adventure designer, you could also create more standard fantasy RPG material that would slot into the feudal world that Sword Chronicle is expected to give us.
Community Content programs are commonplace at DriveThru. The two most well known have sites all to themselves and are Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeon Masters Guild and White Wolf’s Storytellers Vault. In addition, Chaosium runs the Jonstown Compendium, PEG has the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild and Free League Publishing have the Workshop to name just a few.
Sword Chronicle is a response to the pandemic lockdown and will, therefore, be a digital-first release. The plan, which Green Ronin admits is fluid, is to launch the Chronicle System Guild as Sword Chronicle becomes available.
What do you think? Measured observations are welcome and you can leave them in the comment section below.