That is not dead which can eternal lie,

And with strange aeons even death may die…
Chaosium has today published an extensive monster manual for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. There are over 250 entries in this horde of horrors.
It comes in two parts; volume 1 is the Monsters of the Mythos, and volume 2 is Deities of the Mythos. The first half contains 150 Cthulhu Mythos monsters such as the spawn of Abhoth, but also creatures from folklore and animal beasts. The second includes 110 records of Great Old Ones, Elder God, Unique Beings and Avatars of those who walk among us.
You can download the large book today from DriveThruRPG or Chaosium directly.
It’s $39.99 from both sites, but there’s a catch. If you buy the PDF directly from Chaosium and then decide to upgrade to hardback then you can get that $39.99 applied as credit.

In October, you’ll be able to buy a two-volume hardcover slipcase set for $89.99. If that’s not Mythos loyal enough for you then, exclusively via Chaosium, you can spend $199.99 on a two-volume special leatherette edition!
I think the art looks great and it’s by Loïc Muzy who, if you’re feeling brave, maintains this artstation.