There will be something odd when Crunchyroll announces the English dub cast of “The 8th son? Are you kidding me?” and “My Next Life as a Villainess”.
Okay, they’re both two great sounding show names, but that’s not it. “The 8th son? Are you kidding me?” is due out as a dubbed anime on May 14th and “My Next Life as a Villainess” after that on May 16th.
These are both dubs that COVID-19 would have ruined. The English language voice actors have not been able to make it into the studio to record their lines. So, why aren’t the anime titles delayed?
Today’s actors are so savvy with technology that they’ve all been able to record their lines from home. In fact, a host of titles including Tower of God, Somali and the Forest Spirit, Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun and In/Spectre have been rescued this way.
My Next Life as a Villainess
I took a peek at “My Next Life as a Villainess” as a result of this news, and added it to Irregular Reconnaissance.
The 8th Son, Are You Kidding Me?
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