There’s not much time on this offer as it is only good until the end of April. However, there’s £15 copy of John Carter available.
Modiphius’ take on the classic Edgar Rice Burrough adventure uses the 2d20 system and lets players take on the rules of Princess Dejah Thoris, Tars Tarkas, John Carter or create their own hero.
I reviewed the game last year and liked it, though I worried the setting might be too intimidating for people not familiar with the setting.
My concern with the game was that it would a bit weird to have a John Carter game without John Carter and who would want to play in the game if they weren’t getting to be John Carter. It’s a bit like playing a Sherlock game without encountering or playing as Sherlock.
Modiphius’ team solve that problem by presenting Barsoom in several eras and so, for someone of them, John Carter is yet to happen or a thing of yesteryear. In other words; you have the choice.
Now, over at Reddit, a user called Roll Persuassion has noticed and shared this freebie offer.
Use the code BARSOOM at checkout to get the download for free.
It might not be clear where you do that. After you click the checkout button, there’s a space on the right for the promo code. It may be the case that you need to create and connect an account first.
You can access Modiphius’ shop page for John Carter of Mars right here.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!