Over a year ago, Rebellion bought the largest archive of British comics. The IPC archive contains more than 130 years of comic book publishing and thousands of characters.
Rebellion, known for their computer games and 2000 AD, set their Treasury of British Comics up to preserve, revive and start selling these classic titles.
This week, the Treasury announced that the rubber-boned escapologist Janus Stark would spearhead that return.

Janus Stark is a Victorian escape-artist. On the surface, he appears as little more than a music hall act, but he uses his extraordinary abilities to battle crime while not on stage.
Stark is incredibly flexible and can squeeze out of, or into, very tight situations, and since he’s a Victorian, he tends to do this while wearing an equally impressive three-piece suit.
The Incredible Adventures of Janus Stark was first published in 1969, written by Tom Tully and illustrated by Francisco Solano Lopez. The series ran for only a few years and until Smash magazine merged with Valiant.