SIXMOREVODKA is a German design studio who published the post-apocalyptic RPG Degenesis. Geek Native reviewed the game here and recently published an art teaser but, perhaps, the best way to get a gauge of the game is this intro post complete with video trailer.

What went wrong at PAX Unplugged?
DHL failed to get the hardbacks there on time. Degenesis is a two-book hardback RPG. This game is full of art; both are big books and absolutely one of those items which would sell well at a convention.
As the news broke the books were still in transit but would not get there in time. SIXMOREVODKA have had to chancel their booth, their travel and their accommodation. They note;
As you can imagine this will be a costly operational failure for us. Not just in terms of lost revenue, but last minute cancellations of attendance and we will be looking to hold DHL accountable for this sad situation.
Gamers will be affected too. If you had hoped to use PAX Unplugged as a way to avoid import fees on getting a pair of English language hardbacks shipped into America or Canada, then DHL will have thwarted you.
Degenesis Free Shipping
However, SIXMOREVODKA has a solution for that – free shipping for a week. I don’t imagine they can afford to maintain that offer for too much longer.
To qualify, create an account at their

This is horrible news for a small publisher. They only really had GenCon and PAX Unplugged in their schedule. To help mitigate the impact to them please do feel to share the news, this post or their announcement on social media to help get the word out.
Creative Commons credit; Pack Mule by Ashton Sperry.