Geek Native picked up an eamil from DragonWing Games which said;
I want to thank you for your support of our products. I want to direct your attention towards a bundle deal being offered by fellow publisher Thunderegg Productions. Gamers have long had a history of giving generously when others need help. Well, Jacob at Thunderegg has offered up a growing bundle of participating publishers donating product for the benefit of the Zach Best family. I am not familiar with the details but I do know from firsthand experience that when you ask for help, gamers are right there in the front of the line. Because of this, DragonWing has added in all three of our OGL titles and I encourage you all to follow the link and donate the $10.00 to help out this family in need.
Over at Pinnacle I read that Zach Best, a game developer, is in hospice care. This isn’t good at all and I can see why family and friends are rallying around to whisk up some funds.
As it stands now the bundle deal is due to finish on the 19th of August. There’s over $100 worth of RPG goodies from Thunderegg Productions and supporters for just $10.
You can download it from DriveThru RPG.
The bundle includes Dragon Drop Adventures 5e ($20), Gods and Icons (13th Age Compatible) ($14.95), Kaigaku Premium Edition ($10) and Lore of the Gods ($19.99). This isn’t just a bundle of small item downloads.